How to get more traffic for your holistic, spiritual or alternative events and your website?

We are offering you an additional opportunity to reach more visitors and get more traffic by answering common questions, exploring a theme, providing more detail about your course, workshop or event.

What you contribute

A well written article between 1500 and 2000 words that answers people’s questions about the subject you are writing about

You understand the concerns of your clientele best. What is the question you hear over and over from them? Changes are that a lot more people are searching for answers to these kind of questions on the internet.

This gives you an unique opportunity to reach out and help a lot more people and establish you as an expert in your field.

If you need help with counting words or spelling mistakes, please use the free service

An attractive image that represents the content of your article (no copyright infringement please)

You know best what your clients like, so use your own photos and images here. If you are short of an image, you can utilise stock photos. A free stock photo service is You can download and use their images royality free.

Your website and / or contact details

We are honouring your work and display you as the author of the content. So we will publish your name in your article on our website. Make sure you have an account with us, so we can link your article to your account. To check: Sign in or Create an Account

Please note: When you sign up for a new account, make sure that you add all the information that you would want to appear in the author’s section on the bottom part of your article. If you already have an account, you can edit your personal details and add the data there.

We supply the visitors of our website to find you and your services. Please supply us with your website.

Please note: Make sure you have your content (title, text and image) ready before you submit your article.

What we will do

  • We review your submitted article, approve it, and add it to to the resources section of our website. (Please note: for best exposure and attraction we might tweak your article slightly).
  • We link the article to your website and / or contact details.
  • We encourage our website visitors to read your article by publishing it to our social media and interlink it throughout our website.

Mutual benefits of our collaboration

This is an opportunity for you to reach out to the broader public and promote your website. You will get more traffic via search engine optimisation (SEO) and establishing yourself as an expert in the market.

Your contribution will help us reach out to more people wanting to list and / or attend an event promoted on our website. The benefits are returned to the people who use our website.